Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our spring break in Bundibugyo

We have been away for a little over a week for Michael’s spring break. We traveled out of the country to the far reaches of western Uganda to visit the World Harvest team there. What an amazing blessing the week was to us as we enjoyed wonderful fellowship, beautiful tropical mountains, wonderful food, and beautiful times of worshiping our Father during the Holy week.

The Bundibugyo team showed us so much hospitality as we visited the various ministry sites that the development team has worked to build up for over 20 years. We had a great time seeing the health clinic where they have a maternity ward, labor and delivery, pediatrics, adult and child HIV ward, and male & female units. We also were able to spend a lot of time learning about the nutrition program they have-a personal interest of mine. It was also a great afternoon visiting the agriculture, goat, and chicken projects!

It was a perfect day to visit as it was ultrasound day for the local women. The doctors have a very small, portable machine for the clinic. Scott and Travis did a scan for us along with the Ugandan women. It was a neat experience although we were still unable to determine if we will be buying a blue or pink ribbon! Hopefully that will happen in the next 2 weeks-pray he/she isn’t modest when we go for our next scan!

Scott Myhre gave us a tour of Christ School the next day. It is a young school still, but the mission has already been able to turn over all of the staff positions to Ugandans. Michael especially loved hearing about the history and hope for the school in the future. The students are beyond blessed, we thought, as we admired the beautiful sunset behind the Rwenzori mountains while Christ School won their semi-final football game 1-0!

We so enjoyed spending part of the Holy Week with the Bundibugyo team. We were truly blessed by the Seder meal on Maundy Thurs. The Myhres did an amazing job of walking us through the meal and through scripture. We were reminded of the trials and brokenness experienced here on earth but of the hope we have in our saving Father and in the beauty of Christ’s atonement. I say to this…”Next year in Jerusalem!”

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